I did the bottom section. Click to enlarge. And please leave comments telling me how much you like it, or how much you don't like it, or leave me a comment telling me what you are wearing today, or perhaps what it is you had for breakfast... I really want to know! REALLY!
I had a whole grain toast and some spearmint tea with a half a spoon of sugar! I know... that's a totally fabulous breakfast. I am very wise.
damn, you can't enlarge! that stinks! here's a link to my EC website where you can view this piece in all it's enlargeable glory:
clickity click click here my babies!
the link was down when i tried it... maybe it's the firewall here at *cough* work. but, even in its smallered state i can see fishies swimming in the darkened shadow of the sphinx... the keyboard seems out of place, but i like the overall feel of the piece, it's simple which i like. the top half is mechanical and the bottom organic.
i had water for breffest and wish i was wearing spider-man underoos
I hate it because it's so tiny. Tiny things make me want to break things.
I had VEGEMITE on toast for breakfast. You should try it sometime.
Every time someone brings up Vegemite, It reminds me of that one Men At Work song. You know the one.
uuuuuuummmmmmmmmm...... Down Under?
I like it 600!
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